#!/bin/sh -e installtarget=/usr/local/bin chatlogdir=/var/log/bunkchat chatlog=chat.log chattrfailed() { set +e rm -rf $chatlogdir echo echo "ERROR: could not set append only attribute in ${chatlogdir}" echo " does your filesystem support 'chattr +a' ?" exit 1 } prep() { mkdir -p $chatlogdir chmod 755 $chatlogdir touch ${chatlogdir}/${chatlog} chmod 666 ${chatlogdir}/${chatlog} # if chattr +a not supported on this file system, catch error and clean up chattr +a ${chatlogdir}/${chatlog} || chattrfailed } install() { cp proclaim heed scry $installtarget chmod 755 ${installtarget}/proclaim chmod 755 ${installtarget}/heed chmod 755 ${installtarget}/scry chown root:root ${installtarget}/proclaim chown root:root ${installtarget}/heed chown root:root ${installtarget}/scry echo echo "SUCCESS! bunkchat installed!" exit 0 } # check for root perms if ! [ "$(id -u)" = 0 ]; then echo echo "ERROR: please run install with root permission" >&2 exit 1 fi # if chat.log exists, skip prep if [ -f ${chatlogdir}/${chatlog} ]; then install else prep install fi