# Browser Go ##### 0.8.1 A two-player [in-browser Go application](https://sorrelbri.github.io/browser-go/) developed by Sorrel June. --- ## About Go --- [skip to application details](#how-browser-go-was-built) Go is the oldest continuously played game on Earth. The Go ruleset can be understood in an afternoon while offering a depth and complexity that inspires for a lifetime. --- ## How Browser Go was Built --- Browser Go was originally developed for the Software Engineering Immersive at General Assembly in August, 2019. Technologies used inclue: * HTML5 * CSS3 * JavaScript (ES6) Assets acquired from: * subtlepatterns.com * freesound.org * the developer's photos of her go equipment --- ## Using Browser Go --- [Play Browser Go Here](https://github.com/sorrelbri/browser-go) ### Starting a Game ![image of game menu at start](images/gameplay-images/browser-go-new-game-screen.png/browser-go-new-game-screen.png){ width=200px } Upon initiation of a new game session, Browser Go will display the new game menu. Here, you will be asked to confirm the size of ### Gameplay Elements ### Ending a Game --- ## The Future of Browser Go --- Browser Go's functionality will evolve as it transitions out of it's current client-side architecture. Additional features in development include: * game timer * smart game format support with * read/write .sgf files * tsumego (go problems) support * support for multiple game lines * toggleable 'misclick' undo feature * improved touch screen support * board animations and expanded sound library