Board Size
Welcome to Browser Go!If this is your first time playing Go, please see this great tutorial video. To begin a game enter player names and ranks above, then click "Suggest Komi" Browser Go will calculate the appropriate komi based on AGA guidelines. To override Browser Go's suggestion, use the sliders above. Be sure to check the 'rank certainty' box if you're club-rated. When the game begins, click on a legal point on the board to make a move. The active player's bowl will be highlighted. To pass, click on your bowl. This will only be possible on your turn. To resign click on your capture tray. After the game ends, groups and territory will display Browser Go's estimate for final state. Simply click on a group to change a group between live and dead, or a point between territory and dame. For now, your game can't be saved. I've got great things planned for the future, though! Lookout for new releases and suggest new features on the GitHub page!