// global constants declared // boardState, lastState, overlay (copy of boardState holding pre-move object, game end group state) // bCaptures, wCaptures, gameInfo object, playerInfo object, turn, pass, gameRecord, // handicapStones, deadShapes{} // define initial game state // define boardState and overlay as 2d 9x9 arrays // boardState accepts values of 0, 1, -1 // overlay accepts values of 0, 1, -1, 'k', 'd', 'chk', 'hold', 'l', 'x' // 'k' represents komi, in-game integers represent move previews, // 'chk', 'hold', 'x' and 'l' represent points checked during checkLegalMove run // game-end integer represent points of territory, 'd' represents dame, // cached elements // store #menu for displaying game info // store // set event listeners // input listeners for player names, ranks, rank certainty (editable during game) //input lister for handicap + komi (only editable pre-game) // ::hover-over on board to preview move (with legal move logic) // click on board to play move // ::hover-over on either bowl for pass, one-level undo options (CSS implementation) // click on menu items // click on kifu to display game menu // functions // initialize game // set handicap stones // render // render board //render moves //render preview // render captures // render player turn marker // game-end // render dead group suggestion // render territory counts // checkLegalMove // clear overlay // if move is not '0', move is illegal (opposing player or 'k' for ko) // iterate through neighboring points in clockwise order // if anyone is '0' move is legal - call render preview // if neighboring point is opposing player // cycle through opposing player group marking points as overlay: 'chk' when checked and // overlay: 'hold' if they are neighboring points of opposing player color // if any neighboring point is '0' terminate cycle and move to next neighboring point of original move // if there are unchecked points of 'hold' return // if no boardState: 0 points, move is legal overlay: 'l' // set all 'chk' to 'x' to represent stones that will be captured upon move // if neighboring point is player's // cycle through player group marking points as overlay: 'chk' || 'hold' // if any neighboring point is '0' ternminate cycle and mark point as 'l' // set move // if checkLegalMove has returned '0' i2llegal move message? // if move state is 'l' // push boardState to lastState // push 'l' move to boardState // resolve captures // for all 'x' in overlay // count number and add to playerCaptures // set boardState to '0' // pass-- // push move to game record // game record: [ 0: handicapStones Obj, 1: 1stMove([moveState[],moveState[][])] // pass() pass++ and player turn to other player // gameEnd when pass = 2 // search empty spaces on board for deadShapes // compare spaces to rotations of deadShapes[...] // 'd' if empty spaces // return dead group suggestion // users can flip status of any dead group overlay( 1, -1 ) // confirm state // calculate score = points in overlay for each player + captures // render final board state with dead groups removed // log game record // stringify according to .sgf format // log as text