
241 lines
8 KiB

/*----- constants -----*/
// game state object {gameMeta object, playerMeta object, turn, pass, gameRecord, bCaptures, wCaptures}
const STONES_DATA = {
'-1': 'white',
'0': 'none',
'1': 'black',
'k': 'ko'
const DOTS_DATA = {
'-1': 'white',
'0': 'none',
'1': 'black',
'd': 'dame',
'l': 'legal',
's': 'seki'
const gameState = {
winner: null,
turn: 1, // turn logic depends on handicap stones
pass: null,
komi: null, // komi depends on handicap stones
handicap: null,
boardSize: 9,
playerState: {
bCaptures: null,
wCaptures: null
gameMeta: { // declared at game start and not editable after
date: null // contains metadata
playerMeta: { // editable during game
b: {
name: null,
rank: null,
rankCertain: false
w: {
name: null,
rank: null,
rankCertain: false
groups: {},
gameRecord : []
// deadShapes{}
// index represents handicap placement, eg handiPlace[1] = { (3, 3), (7, 7) }
const handiPlace = [ 0,
[ [ 3, 3 ], [ 7, 7 ] ],
[ [ 3, 3 ], [ 7, 7 ], [ 3, 7 ] ],
[ [ 3, 3 ], [ 7, 7 ], [ 3, 7 ], [ 7, 3 ] ] ];
/*----- app's state (variables) -----*/
// define initial game state
class Point {
constructor(x, y) {
this.pos = [ x, y ]
this.stone = 0; // this is where move placement will go 0, 1, -1 'k'
this.overlay = 0; // this is where 'chk', 'l'
this.neighbors = {
top: {},
btm: {},
lft: {},
rgt: {}
// neighbor exists it's point is stored as { rPos, cPos} = x > 1 ? [ x - 1, y ] : null;
this.neighbors.btm = x < gameState.boardSize ? [ x + 1, y ] : null;
this.neighbors.rgt = y > 1 ? [ x, y - 1 ] : null;
this.neighbors.lft = y < gameState.boardSize ? [ x, y + 1 ] : null;
// checkLegal: function() {
// this.cellValue = (for neighbor in this.neighbors) {
// boardState.find( val => {
// if ( val.pos === neighbor.pos && val.stone = 0) { /*cell empty*/ }
// });
// }
// }
// boardState [point objects-contain overlay] lastState (created from boardState)
let boardState = [ new Point(1,1), new Point(1,2), new Point(1,3),
new Point(2,1), new Point(2,2), new Point(2,3),
new Point(3,1), new Point(3,2), new Point(3,3),
// modeling 1,1 point for
// define boardState and overlay as 2d 9x9 arrays
// boardState accepts values of 0, 1, -1
// overlay accepts values of 0, 1, -1, 'k', 'd', 'chk', 'hold', 'l', 'x'
// 'k' represents komi, in-game integers represent move previews,
// 'chk', 'hold', 'x' and 'l' represent points checked during checkLegalMove run
// game-end integer represent points of territory, 'd' represents dame,
/*----- cached element references -----*/
// store #menu for displaying game info
// store
/*----- event listeners -----*/
// input listeners for player names, ranks, rank certainty (editable during game)
//input lister for handicap + komi (only editable pre-game)
// ::hover-over on board to preview move (with legal move logic)
document.getElementById('board').addEventListener('mousemove', checkLegal);
// click on board to play move
document.getElementById('board').addEventListener('click', placeStone);
// ::hover-over on either bowl for pass, one-level undo options (CSS implementation)
// click on menu items
// click on kifu to display game menu
/*----- functions -----*/
let findPointFromIdx = (arr) => boardState.find( point => point.pos[0] === arr[0] && point.pos[1] === arr[1] );
function checkLegal(evt) {
let hover = [ parseInt([0]), parseInt([2]) ];
let point = findPointFromIdx(hover);
//first step in logic: is stone occupied
point.overlay = point.stone !== 0 ? 0 : 'l';
function placeStone(evt) {
let placement = [ parseInt([0]), parseInt([2]) ];
// checks for placement and pushes to cell
let point = findPointFromIdx(placement);
//checks that this placement was marked as legal
point.stone = point.overlay === 'l' ? gameState.turn : point.stone;
gameState.turn*= -1;
function init() {
gameState.winner = null;
// gameState.turn = ? : ; // get turn from consequences of player input
gameState.pass = null;
// gameState.komi = ; // get komi from player input
// gameState.handicap = ; // get handicap from player input
gameState.playerState.bCaptures = 0;
gameState.playerState.wCaptures = 0;
// = // get from browser window
// get any future meta from player input
// gameState.playerMeta.b // get from player input
// gameState.playerMeta.w // get from player input
gameState.gameRecord = []; // clear game record from previous game
// gameState.boardState // create board from user input
//need init player meta
function render(hoverPoint) {
// console.log('render');
function renderBoard() {
boardState.forEach(val => {
let stone = document.getElementById(`${val.pos[0]},${val.pos[1]}`).childNodes[1];
// console.log(stone);
stone.setAttribute("data-stone", STONES_DATA[val.stone]);
// console.log(val.stone);
// console.log(stone);
function renderPreview(hoverPoint) {
boardState.forEach(val => {
let dot = document.getElementById(`${val.pos[0]},${val.pos[1]}`).childNodes[1].childNodes[0];
dot.setAttribute("data-dot", val.overlay === 'l' && val.pos[0] === hoverPoint.pos[0] && val.pos[1] === hoverPoint.pos[1] ? DOTS_DATA[gameState.turn] : DOTS_DATA[0]);
// functions
// initialize game
// set handicap stones
// render
// render board
//render moves
//render preview
// render captures
// render player turn marker
// game-end
// render dead group suggestion
// render territory counts
// checkLegalMove
// clear overlay
// if move is not '0', move is illegal (opposing player or 'k' for ko)
// iterate through neighboring points in clockwise order
// if anyone is '0' move is legal - call render preview
// if neighboring point is opposing player
// cycle through opposing player group marking points as overlay: 'chk' when checked and
// overlay: 'hold' if they are neighboring points of opposing player color
// if any neighboring point is '0' terminate cycle and move to next neighboring point of original move
// if there are unchecked points of 'hold' return
// if no boardState: 0 points, move is legal overlay: 'l'
// set all 'chk' to 'x' to represent stones that will be captured upon move
// if neighboring point is player's
// cycle through player group marking points as overlay: 'chk' || 'hold'
// if any neighboring point is '0' ternminate cycle and mark point as 'l'
// set move
// if checkLegalMove has returned '0' i2llegal move message?
// if move state is 'l'
// push boardState to lastState
// push 'l' move to boardState
// resolve captures
// for all 'x' in overlay
// count number and add to playerCaptures
// set boardState to '0'
// pass--
// push move to game record
// game record: [ 0: handicapStones Obj, 1: 1stMove([moveState[],moveState[][])]
// pass() pass++ and player turn to other player
// gameEnd when pass = 2
// search empty spaces on board for deadShapes
// compare spaces to rotations of deadShapes[...]
// 'd' if empty spaces
// return dead group suggestion
// users can flip status of any dead group overlay( 1, -1 )
// confirm state
// calculate score = points in overlay for each player + captures
// render final board state with dead groups removed
// log game record
// stringify according to .sgf format
// log as text