import {stateReducer} from './stateReducer'; describe('Phones', () => { const n_phone = {features: {nasal: true}} const state = { features: [ 'nasal' ], phones: { n: n_phone } }; beforeEach(()=> { state.features = [ 'nasal' ]; state.phones= { n: n_phone }; }) it('phones returned unaltered', () => { const action = {type: ''}; expect(stateReducer(state, action)).toBe(state); }); it('feature addition returns new feature list with positive phones updated', () => { const action = {type: 'ADD_FEATURE', value: {feature: 'anterior', positivePhones: ['n']}}; expect(stateReducer(state, action)).toEqual( {...state, features:[...state.features, action.value.feature], phones:{...state.phones, n:{...state.phones.n, features: {...state.phones.n.features, anterior: true}}} } ) }) it('feature addition returns new feature list with negative phones update', () => { const action = {type: 'ADD_FEATURE', value: {feature: 'sonorant', negativePhones: ['t']}}; expect(stateReducer(state, action)).toEqual( {...state, features:[...state.features, action.value.feature], phones:{...state.phones, t:{features:{sonorant: false}}} } ); }); it('feature addition returns new feature list with positive and negative phones update', () => { const action = {type: 'ADD_FEATURE', value: {feature: 'sonorant', positivePhones: ['n'], negativePhones: ['t']}}; expect(stateReducer(state, action)).toEqual( {...state, features:[...state.features, action.value.feature], phones:{...state.phones, t:{features:{sonorant: false}}, n:{...state.phones.n, features: {...state.phones.n.features, sonorant: true}} } } ); }); it('feature addition returns new feature list with multi-graph phones updated', () => { const action = {type: 'ADD_FEATURE', value: {feature: 'aspirated', positivePhones: ['ntʰ'], negativePhones: ['n','t']}}; expect(stateReducer(state, action)).toEqual( {...state, features:[...state.features, action.value.feature], phones:{...state.phones, t:{features:{aspirated: false}}, n:{...state.phones.n, features: {...state.phones.n.features, aspirated: false}, t: {ʰ:{features:{aspirated:true}}} } } } ); }); });