import React, { useState, useReducer } from 'react'; import './PhonoChangeApplier.scss'; // import ls from 'local-storage'; import ProtoLang from './components/ProtoLang'; import Features from './components/Features'; import Epochs from './components/Epochs'; import Options from './components/Options'; import Output from './components/Output'; import {stateReducer} from './reducers/stateReducer'; import {initState} from './reducers/stateReducer.init'; const PhonoChangeApplier = () => { const [ state, dispatch ] = useReducer( stateReducer, {}, initState ) const [ lexicon, setLexicon ] = useState(['mun', 'tʰu', 'tɯm', 'utʰ']); const [ phonemes, setPhonemes ] = useState( // ! candidate for trie to avoid situations where >2 graph phonemes // ! are uncaught by lexeme decomposition when [- rounded + unrounded]/_#']}]); const [ options, setOptions ] = useState({output: 'default', save: false}) const [ results, setResults ] = useState([]) const [ errors, setErrors ] = useState({}) const [ features, setFeatures ] = useState( ['occlusive', 'sonorant', 'obstruent', 'nasal', 'alveolar','bilabial', 'continuant','syllabic','high','back','rounded','unrounded', 'plosive','aspirated']) const runChanges = e => { e.preventDefault(); let ruleError = epochs.reduce((errorObject, epoch) => {, index) => { if (!change.match(/>.*\/.*_/)) { errorObject[] ? errorObject[].push(index) : errorObject[] = [index] errorObject[].ruleSyntaxError = true; } // TODO validate phoneme syntax let decomposedChange = change.split('>'); decomposedChange = [decomposedChange[0], ...decomposedChange[1].split('/')] decomposedChange = [decomposedChange[0], decomposedChange[1], ...decomposedChange[2].split('_')]; }) return errorObject; }, {}) if (Object.entries(ruleError).length) return setErrors(ruleError) setErrors({}); // decompose Lexical Items // moving window on phonemes of each lexical item let lexicalFeatureBundles = [] lexicon.forEach(lexeme => { let lexemeBundle = []; let startingIndex = 0; let lastIndex = lexeme.length - 1; [...lexeme].forEach((_, index) => { if (phonemes[lexeme.slice(startingIndex, index + 1)] && index !== lastIndex) return; if (phonemes[lexeme.slice(startingIndex, index + 1)]) return lexemeBundle.push(phonemes[lexeme.slice(startingIndex)]) if (index !== 0 && index !== lastIndex) lexemeBundle.push(phonemes[lexeme.slice(startingIndex, index)]) if (index === lastIndex) { lexemeBundle.push(phonemes[lexeme.slice(startingIndex, index)]) lexemeBundle.push(phonemes[lexeme.slice(index)]) } startingIndex = index; }) lexemeBundle.unshift(['#']) lexemeBundle.push(['#']) lexicalFeatureBundles.push(lexemeBundle); }) console.log(lexicalFeatureBundles) // decompose rules let allEpochs = => { let ruleBundle = => { return { input: rule.split('>')[0].replace(/\[|\]|\+/g, '').trim(), result: rule.split('>')[1].split('/')[0], preInput: rule.split('/')[1].split('_')[0].replace(/\[|\]|\+/g, '').trim(), postInput: rule.split('/')[1].split('_')[1].replace(/\[|\]|\+/g, '').trim(), } }) return {epoch:, rules: ruleBundle} }) console.log(allEpochs) // apply sound changes allEpochs.reduce((diachronicLexicon, epoch) => { let startingLexicon = diachronicLexicon.length ? diachronicLexicon[diachronicLexicon.length - 1] : lexicalFeatureBundles; let currentRules = epoch.rules; let resultingLexicon = startingLexicon.forEach(lexeme => { currentRules.forEach(rule => { let ruleEnvironment = [[rule.preInput], [rule.input], [rule.postInput]]; console.log(ruleEnvironment) }) }) diachronicLexicon.push(resultingLexicon) },[]) // handle output } return (
); } export default PhonoChangeApplier;