
1764 lines
48 KiB

const chai = require("chai");
const should = chai.should();
const { Game, Point } = require("../services/Game");
describe("Game", () => {
it("smoke test Game()", (done) => {
(typeof Game()).should.eql("object");
it("smoke test Point()", (done) => {
(typeof Point({ x: 1, y: 1 })).should.eql("object");
it("smoke test initGame()", (done) => {
(typeof Game().initGame()).should.eql("object");
it("Get meta returns proper data for games with no record", (done) => {
describe("Game().initGame() returns legalMoves", () => {
it("initGame() returns default 19x19", (done) => {
it("initGame() with 2 handicap returns legalMoves with stones", (done) => {
Game({ gameData: { handicap: 2 } })
.legalMoves.should.eql({ ...emptyBoard, "4-16": 1, "16-4": 1 });
it("handicap stone has proper liberties", (done) => {
const game = Game({ gameData: { handicap: 2 } }).initGame();
const group = game.boardState["4-16"].group;
it("initGame( 19x19 ) with all levels of handicap returns legalMoves with stones", (done) => {
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 19, handicap: 2 } })
.legalMoves.should.eql({ ...emptyBoard, "4-16": 1, "16-4": 1 });
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 19, handicap: 3 } })
"16-16": 1,
"4-16": 1,
"16-4": 1,
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 19, handicap: 4 } })
"4-4": 1,
"16-16": 1,
"4-16": 1,
"16-4": 1,
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 19, handicap: 5 } })
"10-10": 1,
"4-4": 1,
"16-16": 1,
"4-16": 1,
"16-4": 1,
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 19, handicap: 6 } })
"10-4": 1,
"4-10": 1,
"4-4": 1,
"16-16": 1,
"4-16": 1,
"16-4": 1,
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 19, handicap: 7 } })
"10-10": 1,
"10-4": 1,
"4-10": 1,
"4-4": 1,
"16-16": 1,
"4-16": 1,
"16-4": 1,
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 19, handicap: 8 } })
"16-10": 1,
"10-4": 1,
"10-16": 1,
"4-10": 1,
"4-4": 1,
"16-16": 1,
"4-16": 1,
"16-4": 1,
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 19, handicap: 9 } })
"10-10": 1,
"16-10": 1,
"10-4": 1,
"10-16": 1,
"4-10": 1,
"4-4": 1,
"16-16": 1,
"4-16": 1,
"16-4": 1,
it("initGame( 13x13) returns legalMoves", (done) => {
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 13 } })
it("initGame( 13x13 ) with all levels of handicap returns legalMoves with stones", (done) => {
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 13, handicap: 2 } })
.legalMoves.should.eql({ ...emptyBoard13, "4-10": 1, "10-4": 1 });
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 13, handicap: 3 } })
"10-10": 1,
"4-10": 1,
"10-4": 1,
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 13, handicap: 4 } })
"4-4": 1,
"10-10": 1,
"4-10": 1,
"10-4": 1,
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 13, handicap: 5 } })
"7-7": 1,
"4-4": 1,
"10-10": 1,
"4-10": 1,
"10-4": 1,
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 13, handicap: 6 } })
"7-4": 1,
"4-7": 1,
"4-4": 1,
"10-10": 1,
"4-10": 1,
"10-4": 1,
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 13, handicap: 7 } })
"7-7": 1,
"7-4": 1,
"4-7": 1,
"4-4": 1,
"10-10": 1,
"4-10": 1,
"10-4": 1,
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 13, handicap: 8 } })
"10-7": 1,
"7-4": 1,
"7-10": 1,
"4-7": 1,
"4-4": 1,
"10-10": 1,
"4-10": 1,
"10-4": 1,
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 13, handicap: 9 } })
"7-7": 1,
"10-7": 1,
"7-4": 1,
"7-10": 1,
"4-7": 1,
"4-4": 1,
"10-10": 1,
"4-10": 1,
"10-4": 1,
it("initGame( 9x9 ) returns legalMoves", (done) => {
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 9 } })
it("initGame( 9x9 ) with all levels of handicap returns legalMoves with stones", (done) => {
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 9, handicap: 2 } })
.legalMoves.should.eql({ ...emptyBoard9, "3-7": 1, "7-3": 1 });
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 9, handicap: 3 } })
.legalMoves.should.eql({ ...emptyBoard9, "7-7": 1, "3-7": 1, "7-3": 1 });
Game({ gameData: { boardSize: 9, handicap: 4 } })
"3-3": 1,
"7-7": 1,
"3-7": 1,
"7-3": 1,
describe("Game.makeMove({ player: str, pos: { x: int, y: int } })", () => {
it("makeMove returns game object with proper board", (done) => {
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 4 } })
.legalMoves.should.eql({ ...emptyBoard, "4-4": 1 });
Game({ gameData: { handicap: 2 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 4 } })
"4-16": 1,
"16-4": 1,
"4-4": -1,
it("makeMove returns success: false with move out of turn", (done) => {
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 4 } })
Game({ gameData: { handicap: 2 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 4 } })
it("makeMove returns success: false when move is at occupied point", (done) => {
Game({ gameData: { handicap: 2 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 16 } })
it("makeMove next to adjacent stone of the same color joins stones as a group", (done) => {
const game = Game({ gameData: { handicap: 2 } })
.initGame() // 4 3 4
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 4 } }) // 14 1 4 -1 -1
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 15 } }) // 15 1 5 -1
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 3, y: 4 } }) // 16 1h
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 14 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 5 } });
const blackGroupKey = game.boardState["4-14"].group;
const blackGroup = game.groups[blackGroupKey].stones;
const whiteGroupKey = game.boardState["4-4"].group;
const whiteGroup = game.groups[whiteGroupKey].stones;
const noGroupGame = Game({ gameData: { handicap: 2 } })
.initGame() // 3 4
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 15 } }) // 14 1
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 14 } }) // 15 1 -1 no groups
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 3, y: 16 } }) // 16 -1 1h
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 3, y: 15 } });
it("makeMove next to adjacent stone of different color does not join stones as a group", (done) => {
const hoshiGroupKey = noGroupGame.boardState["4-16"].group;
const hoshiGroup = noGroupGame.groups[hoshiGroupKey].stones;
it("makeMove next to adjacent stone of different color should yield proper liberties", (done) => {
const hoshiGroup = noGroupGame.boardState["4-16"].group;
const hoshiGroupLiberties = noGroupGame.groups[hoshiGroup].liberties;
const fourFifteen = noGroupGame.boardState["4-15"].group;
const fourFifteenLiberties = noGroupGame.groups[fourFifteen].liberties;
it("makeMove returns success: false when move is made in point with no liberties", (done) => {
const point = Game({ gameData: { handicap: 2 } })
.initGame() // 15 16 17
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 4 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 6, y: 16 } }) // 4 1
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 16, y: 16 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 15 } }) // 5 1 x 1
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 16, y: 10 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 17 } }) // 6 1
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 16 } });
describe("makeMove group join and basic capture logic", () => {
const joinGame = Game()
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 17 } }) // 3 4 5
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 3, y: 16 } }) // 15 -1
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 16 } }) // 16 -1 1 1
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 15 } }) // 17 1
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 16 } });
it("gain liberties from group smoke test", (done) => {
it("stones in group have same group property", (done) => {
it("stones in group should have proper liberties", (done) => {
const group = joinGame.boardState["4-16"].group;
it("group with only remaining liberty at point to be played returns success: false", (done) => {
Game({ gameData: { handicap: 2 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 15 } }) // 3 4 5 6
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 4 } }) // 15 -1 -1
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 15 } }) // 16 -1 1h 0 -1
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 16, y: 16 } }) // 17 -1 -1
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 3, y: 16 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 10 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 6, y: 16 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 4 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 17 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 16 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 17 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 16 } })
const captureGame = () =>
Game({ gameData: { handicap: 2 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 15 } }) // 3 4 5
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 4 } }) // 15 -1
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 3, y: 16 } }) // 16 -1 0 -1
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 10 } }) // 17 -1
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 16 } }) // 4,16 captured
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 4 } });
it("makeMove capture smoke test", (done) => {
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 17 } })
it("makeMove assesses captures", (done) => {
it("makeMove capture removes captured stone", (done) => {
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 17 } })
it("makeMove capture increases capturing players captures", (done) => {
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 17 } })
const traceGame = () =>
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 1, y: 1 } }) // 1 2 3
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 1, y: 2 } }) // 1 1 -1 1
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 2, y: 2 } }) // 2 -1 1
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 2, y: 1 } });
it("point at captured stone becomes liberty", (done) => {
const game = traceGame();
const group = game.boardState["1-2"].group;
it("capture does not leave trace filled liberty", (done) => {
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 1, y: 3 } })
const multiCaptureGame = () =>
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 17 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 3, y: 16 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 16 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 15 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 16 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 10 } }) // 3 4 5 6
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 3, y: 17 } }) // 15 -1 -1
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 4 } }) // 16 -1 1 1 -1
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 15 } }) // 17 -1 1 -1
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 8 } }) // 18 -1
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 18 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 3, y: 6 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 17 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 6, y: 3 } });
it("smoke test multi stone group capture", (done) => {
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 6, y: 16 } })
it("multi stone group full group is in capturing", (done) => {
const game = multiCaptureGame();
const group = game.boardState["4-16"].group;
it("multi stone group capture all points are 0", (done) => {
const game = multiCaptureGame();
game.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 6, y: 16 } });
it("multi stone group capture scores points properly", (done) => {
const game = multiCaptureGame();
game.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 6, y: 16 } });
describe("capture logic: snapback, ko and playing in eyes", () => {
it("playing in an eye formed by capture yields success: true", (done) => {
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 4 } }) // 3 4 5
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 4 } }) // 4 1
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 5 } }) // 5 1 -1 1
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 16, y: 16 } }) // 6 1
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 3 } }) // (9) at {5, 4}
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 16, y: 4 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 6, y: 4 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 16 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 4 } })
const snapbackGame = () =>
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 4 } }) // 3 4 5 6 7
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 4 } }) // 4 1 1 -1
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 6 } }) // 5 1 -1 -1 1 -1
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 7 } }) // 6 1 1 -1
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 5 } }) // (13) at {5,6}
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 6 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 3 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 6, y: 6 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 6, y: 5 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 16, y: 16 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 6, y: 4 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 5 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 6 } });
it("snapback functions properly", (done) => {
const koGame = () =>
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 4 } }) // 3 4 5 6
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 5 } }) // 4 1 -1
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 3 } }) // 5 1 -1 1 -1
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 6 } }) // 6 1 -1
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 6, y: 4 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 6, y: 5 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 5 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 4 } });
it("ko recognized properly on Point", (done) => {
it("ko marked on Game object", (done) => {
it("ko marked in legalMoves", (done) => {
it("ko cleared on Point after move", (done) => {
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 16, y: 16 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 16 } })
it("ko cleared on Game after move", (done) => {
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 16, y: 16 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 16 } })
it("ko cleared on legalMoves after move", (done) => {
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 16, y: 16 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 16 } })
describe("Game history functionality", () => {
const firstMove = {
player: "black",
pos: { x: 4, y: 4 },
id: 1,
prior: null,
const secondMove = {
player: "white",
pos: { x: 16, y: 16 },
id: 2,
prior: 1,
const thirdMove = { player: "black", pos: { x: 16, y: 4 }, id: 3, prior: 2 };
const fourthMove = { player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 16 }, id: 4, prior: 3 };
const fifthMove = { player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 4 }, id: 5, prior: 4 };
const sixthMove = { player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 10 }, id: 6, prior: 5 };
const seventhMove = {
player: "black",
pos: { x: 10, y: 16 },
id: 7,
prior: 6,
const eighthMove = {
player: "white",
pos: { x: 16, y: 10 },
id: 8,
prior: 7,
it("makeMove creates gameRecord item", (done) => {
it("makeMove holds history", (done) => {
const game = Game().initGame().makeMove(firstMove).makeMove(secondMove);
const rewoundGame = () =>
it("Game.returnToMove returns new Game with gameRecord", (done) => {
rewoundGame().gameRecord.should.eql([firstMove, secondMove]);
it("Game.returnToMove returns new Game with new board state", (done) => {
const resetGame = () =>
].reduce((game, move) => game.makeMove(move), Game().initGame());
it("Game.returnToMove(0) returns to init board state", (done) => {
const erasedGame = resetGame().returnToMove(0);
it("Game.returnToMove(5) returns to state after 5th move", (done) => {
const fifthMoveGame = resetGame().returnToMove(5);
describe("Game end logic", () => {
it("resignation results in game end", (done) => {
.should.eql({ ...initialMeta, winner: -1 });
it("pass changes game turn", (done) => {
it("pass adds null move to gameRecord", (done) => {
.gameRecord.should.eql([{ player: "black", pos: { x: null, y: null } }]);
it("move after makes normal change in game state", (done) => {
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 4 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 5 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 3 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 16, y: 16 } })
"4-4": 1,
"4-5": -1,
"5-3": 1,
"16-16": 1,
it("two nonconsecutive passes continue game", (done) => {
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 4 }, id: 1, prior: null })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 5 }, id: 2, prior: 1 })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 3 }, id: 3, prior: 2 })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 16, y: 16 }, id: 4, prior: 3 })
pass: 1,
turn: 1,
gameRecord: [
player: "black",
pos: { x: 4, y: 4 },
id: 1,
prior: null,
player: "white",
pos: { x: 4, y: 5 },
id: 2,
prior: 1,
player: "black",
pos: { x: 5, y: 3 },
id: 3,
prior: 2,
player: "white",
pos: { x: null, y: null },
player: "black",
pos: { x: 16, y: 16 },
id: 4,
prior: 3,
player: "white",
pos: { x: null, y: null },
it("consecutive passes end game", (done) => {
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 4 } })
.makeMove({ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 5 } })
.makeMove({ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 3 } })
const honinboGameRecord = [
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 16 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 3, y: 4 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 16, y: 4 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 17, y: 16 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 15, y: 17 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 3 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 17, y: 14 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 16, y: 15 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 16, y: 14 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 14, y: 15 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 15, y: 14 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 14, y: 17 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 14, y: 18 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 13, y: 17 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 16, y: 17 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 15, y: 15 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 13, y: 18 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 11, y: 17 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 17, y: 17 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 18, y: 16 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 12, y: 17 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 12, y: 16 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 12, y: 18 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 16, y: 10 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 17, y: 7 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 13, y: 13 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 15, y: 11 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 11, y: 16 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 15, y: 10 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 16, y: 8 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 17, y: 8 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 15, y: 9 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 17, y: 9 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 16, y: 9 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 13, y: 10 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 16, y: 7 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 16, y: 6 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 15, y: 6 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 16, y: 5 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 13, y: 7 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 11, y: 10 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 13, y: 4 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 3, y: 9 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 10, y: 8 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 9, y: 10 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 7, y: 16 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 14 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 8, y: 9 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 8, y: 14 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 8, y: 10 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 9, y: 11 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 8, y: 11 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 14 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 9, y: 15 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 12, y: 14 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 11, y: 13 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 12, y: 13 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 12, y: 12 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 13, y: 14 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 14, y: 14 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 11, y: 14 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 14, y: 13 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 14, y: 9 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 12, y: 9 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 12, y: 10 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 16, y: 12 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 16, y: 11 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 17, y: 12 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 18, y: 11 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 18, y: 12 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 15, y: 12 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 15, y: 13 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 17, y: 11 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 15, y: 3 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 16, y: 3 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 16, y: 2 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 17, y: 2 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 3, y: 7 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 9 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 8, y: 4 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 11 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 17 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 3, y: 17 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 17 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 3, y: 18 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 16 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 15 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 15, y: 2 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 3 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 4 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 4 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 8, y: 3 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 12, y: 7 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 13, y: 6 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 2 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 2 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 7 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 9, y: 7 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 6 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 12, y: 8 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 9, y: 8 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 10, y: 9 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 8, y: 5 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 9, y: 9 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 6, y: 3 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 4 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 7, y: 5 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 6, y: 4 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 12, y: 4 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 11, y: 3 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 12, y: 3 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 10, y: 3 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 14, y: 4 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 15, y: 4 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 13, y: 5 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 15, y: 5 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 9, y: 4 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 9, y: 3 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 7, y: 7 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 12, y: 6 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 11, y: 4 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 8, y: 8 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 6, y: 8 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 2, y: 8 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 2, y: 9 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 9, y: 12 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 12 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 10, y: 10 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 11 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 9, y: 13 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 9, y: 14 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 10, y: 13 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 11, y: 11 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 7, y: 13 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 7, y: 14 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 6, y: 13 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 6, y: 14 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 13 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 8, y: 13 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 8, y: 12 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 6, y: 11 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 7, y: 11 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 6, y: 15 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 14, y: 8 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 19, y: 12 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 19, y: 13 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 18, y: 13 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 19, y: 11 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 19, y: 14 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 16, y: 13 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 19, y: 12 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 13, y: 15 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 11, y: 18 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 10, y: 18 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 19, y: 10 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 8, y: 18 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 19 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 13, y: 9 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 14, y: 10 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 18, y: 18 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 18, y: 17 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 19, y: 17 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 17, y: 18 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 8, y: 15 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 13 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 17, y: 1 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 18, y: 2 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 1, y: 9 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 1, y: 10 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 1, y: 8 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 2, y: 10 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 9, y: 6 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 9, y: 5 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 6, y: 6 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 8, y: 7 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 7 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 6, y: 18 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 7, y: 18 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 19 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 9, y: 19 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 9, y: 17 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 11, y: 19 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 19, y: 18 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 19 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 18 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 18 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 3, y: 19 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 6, y: 17 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 19, y: 16 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 11, y: 2 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 12, y: 2 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 14, y: 5 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 13, y: 3 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 6, y: 10 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 3, y: 8 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 2, y: 7 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 10 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 18, y: 15 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 19, y: 15 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 6, y: 19 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 12, y: 19 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 18, y: 1 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 19 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 9, y: 18 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 15 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 10, y: 16 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 19, y: 2 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 18, y: 14 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 17, y: 13 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 6, y: 9 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 7, y: 9 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 7, y: 10 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 5, y: 8 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 7, y: 8 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 6, y: 7 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 7 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 6, y: 5 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 5 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 7, y: 4 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 7, y: 3 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 11, y: 7 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 8 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 9 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 12 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 4, y: 12 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 17, y: 10 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 18, y: 10 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 15, y: 16 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 12, y: 5 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 11, y: 6 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 14, y: 2 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 14, y: 3 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 11, y: 1 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 10, y: 1 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 12, y: 1 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 17, y: 15 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 19, y: 13 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 17, y: 3 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 18, y: 3 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 11, y: 8 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 10, y: 5 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 14, y: 1 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 13, y: 1 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 13, y: 12 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 15, y: 1 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 16, y: 1 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 14, y: 1 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 4, y: 19 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 13, y: 4 } },
{ player: "white", pos: { x: 5, y: 19 } },
{ player: "black", pos: { x: 11, y: 19 } },
const honinboGame = Game({
gameData: { komi: 1.5 },
gameRecord: honinboGameRecord,
it("end game returns board state with empty points in groups", (done) => {
const group = honinboGame.boardState["19-5"].group;
// console.log(honinboGame.groups[group]);
const isWhite = (x) => x < 0;
const isBlack = (x) => x > 0;
const territories = [
["4-2", isWhite],
["4-3", isWhite],
["5-2", isWhite],
["6-3", isWhite],
["17-3", isBlack],
["9-17", isWhite],
["18-18", isBlack],
["19-18", isBlack],
territories.forEach(([point, territoryPredicate]) => {
it(`end game return board state with ${point} marked with appropriate territory`, (done) => {
it("end game toggleTerritory switches through territory values", (done) => {
const game = honinboGame;
const territory = game.toggleTerritory("5-14").toggleTerritory("5-14")
it("end game counts territory properly", (done) => {
const game = honinboGame
const initialMeta = {
winner: null,
turn: 0,
pass: 0,
komi: 6.5,
handicap: 0,
boardSize: 19,
playerState: {
bCaptures: 0,
wCaptures: 0,
bScore: 0,
wScore: 0,
gameRecord: [],
score: 0,
const emptyBoard9 = {
"1-1": "l",
"1-2": "l",
"1-3": "l",
"1-4": "l",
"1-5": "l",
"1-6": "l",
"1-7": "l",
"1-8": "l",
"1-9": "l",
"2-1": "l",
"2-2": "l",
"2-3": "l",
"2-4": "l",
"2-5": "l",
"2-6": "l",
"2-7": "l",
"2-8": "l",
"2-9": "l",
"3-1": "l",
"3-2": "l",
"3-3": "l",
"3-4": "l",
"3-5": "l",
"3-6": "l",
"3-7": "l",
"3-8": "l",
"3-9": "l",
"4-1": "l",
"4-2": "l",
"4-3": "l",
"4-4": "l",
"4-5": "l",
"4-6": "l",
"4-7": "l",
"4-8": "l",
"4-9": "l",
"5-1": "l",
"5-2": "l",
"5-3": "l",
"5-4": "l",
"5-5": "l",
"5-6": "l",
"5-7": "l",
"5-8": "l",
"5-9": "l",
"6-1": "l",
"6-2": "l",
"6-3": "l",
"6-4": "l",
"6-5": "l",
"6-6": "l",
"6-7": "l",
"6-8": "l",
"6-9": "l",
"7-1": "l",
"7-2": "l",
"7-3": "l",
"7-4": "l",
"7-5": "l",
"7-6": "l",
"7-7": "l",
"7-8": "l",
"7-9": "l",
"8-1": "l",
"8-2": "l",
"8-3": "l",
"8-4": "l",
"8-5": "l",
"8-6": "l",
"8-7": "l",
"8-8": "l",
"8-9": "l",
"9-1": "l",
"9-2": "l",
"9-3": "l",
"9-4": "l",
"9-5": "l",
"9-6": "l",
"9-7": "l",
"9-8": "l",
"9-9": "l",
const emptyBoard13 = {
"1-1": "l",
"1-2": "l",
"1-3": "l",
"1-4": "l",
"1-5": "l",
"1-6": "l",
"1-7": "l",
"1-8": "l",
"1-9": "l",
"1-10": "l",
"1-11": "l",
"1-12": "l",
"1-13": "l",
"2-1": "l",
"2-2": "l",
"2-3": "l",
"2-4": "l",
"2-5": "l",
"2-6": "l",
"2-7": "l",
"2-8": "l",
"2-9": "l",
"2-10": "l",
"2-11": "l",
"2-12": "l",
"2-13": "l",
"3-1": "l",
"3-2": "l",
"3-3": "l",
"3-4": "l",
"3-5": "l",
"3-6": "l",
"3-7": "l",
"3-8": "l",
"3-9": "l",
"3-10": "l",
"3-11": "l",
"3-12": "l",
"3-13": "l",
"4-1": "l",
"4-2": "l",
"4-3": "l",
"4-4": "l",
"4-5": "l",
"4-6": "l",
"4-7": "l",
"4-8": "l",
"4-9": "l",
"4-10": "l",
"4-11": "l",
"4-12": "l",
"4-13": "l",
"5-1": "l",
"5-2": "l",
"5-3": "l",
"5-4": "l",
"5-5": "l",
"5-6": "l",
"5-7": "l",
"5-8": "l",
"5-9": "l",
"5-10": "l",
"5-11": "l",
"5-12": "l",
"5-13": "l",
"6-1": "l",
"6-2": "l",
"6-3": "l",
"6-4": "l",
"6-5": "l",
"6-6": "l",
"6-7": "l",
"6-8": "l",
"6-9": "l",
"6-10": "l",
"6-11": "l",
"6-12": "l",
"6-13": "l",
"7-1": "l",
"7-2": "l",
"7-3": "l",
"7-4": "l",
"7-5": "l",
"7-6": "l",
"7-7": "l",
"7-8": "l",
"7-9": "l",
"7-10": "l",
"7-11": "l",
"7-12": "l",
"7-13": "l",
"8-1": "l",
"8-2": "l",
"8-3": "l",
"8-4": "l",
"8-5": "l",
"8-6": "l",
"8-7": "l",
"8-8": "l",
"8-9": "l",
"8-10": "l",
"8-11": "l",
"8-12": "l",
"8-13": "l",
"9-1": "l",
"9-2": "l",
"9-3": "l",
"9-4": "l",
"9-5": "l",
"9-6": "l",
"9-7": "l",
"9-8": "l",
"9-9": "l",
"9-10": "l",
"9-11": "l",
"9-12": "l",
"9-13": "l",
"10-1": "l",
"10-2": "l",
"10-3": "l",
"10-4": "l",
"10-5": "l",
"10-6": "l",
"10-7": "l",
"10-8": "l",
"10-9": "l",
"10-10": "l",
"10-11": "l",
"10-12": "l",
"10-13": "l",
"11-1": "l",
"11-2": "l",
"11-3": "l",
"11-4": "l",
"11-5": "l",
"11-6": "l",
"11-7": "l",
"11-8": "l",
"11-9": "l",
"11-10": "l",
"11-11": "l",
"11-12": "l",
"11-13": "l",
"12-1": "l",
"12-2": "l",
"12-3": "l",
"12-4": "l",
"12-5": "l",
"12-6": "l",
"12-7": "l",
"12-8": "l",
"12-9": "l",
"12-10": "l",
"12-11": "l",
"12-12": "l",
"12-13": "l",
"13-1": "l",
"13-2": "l",
"13-3": "l",
"13-4": "l",
"13-5": "l",
"13-6": "l",
"13-7": "l",
"13-8": "l",
"13-9": "l",
"13-10": "l",
"13-11": "l",
"13-12": "l",
"13-13": "l",
const emptyBoard = {
"1-1": "l",
"1-2": "l",
"1-3": "l",
"1-4": "l",
"1-5": "l",
"1-6": "l",
"1-7": "l",
"1-8": "l",
"1-9": "l",
"1-10": "l",
"1-11": "l",
"1-12": "l",
"1-13": "l",
"1-14": "l",
"1-15": "l",
"1-16": "l",
"1-17": "l",
"1-18": "l",
"1-19": "l",
"2-1": "l",
"2-2": "l",
"2-3": "l",
"2-4": "l",
"2-5": "l",
"2-6": "l",
"2-7": "l",
"2-8": "l",
"2-9": "l",
"2-10": "l",
"2-11": "l",
"2-12": "l",
"2-13": "l",
"2-14": "l",
"2-15": "l",
"2-16": "l",
"2-17": "l",
"2-18": "l",
"2-19": "l",
"3-1": "l",
"3-2": "l",
"3-3": "l",
"3-4": "l",
"3-5": "l",
"3-6": "l",
"3-7": "l",
"3-8": "l",
"3-9": "l",
"3-10": "l",
"3-11": "l",
"3-12": "l",
"3-13": "l",
"3-14": "l",
"3-15": "l",
"3-16": "l",
"3-17": "l",
"3-18": "l",
"3-19": "l",
"4-1": "l",
"4-2": "l",
"4-3": "l",
"4-4": "l",
"4-5": "l",
"4-6": "l",
"4-7": "l",
"4-8": "l",
"4-9": "l",
"4-10": "l",
"4-11": "l",
"4-12": "l",
"4-13": "l",
"4-14": "l",
"4-15": "l",
"4-16": "l",
"4-17": "l",
"4-18": "l",
"4-19": "l",
"5-1": "l",
"5-2": "l",
"5-3": "l",
"5-4": "l",
"5-5": "l",
"5-6": "l",
"5-7": "l",
"5-8": "l",
"5-9": "l",
"5-10": "l",
"5-11": "l",
"5-12": "l",
"5-13": "l",
"5-14": "l",
"5-15": "l",
"5-16": "l",
"5-17": "l",
"5-18": "l",
"5-19": "l",
"6-1": "l",
"6-2": "l",
"6-3": "l",
"6-4": "l",
"6-5": "l",
"6-6": "l",
"6-7": "l",
"6-8": "l",
"6-9": "l",
"6-10": "l",
"6-11": "l",
"6-12": "l",
"6-13": "l",
"6-14": "l",
"6-15": "l",
"6-16": "l",
"6-17": "l",
"6-18": "l",
"6-19": "l",
"7-1": "l",
"7-2": "l",
"7-3": "l",
"7-4": "l",
"7-5": "l",
"7-6": "l",
"7-7": "l",
"7-8": "l",
"7-9": "l",
"7-10": "l",
"7-11": "l",
"7-12": "l",
"7-13": "l",
"7-14": "l",
"7-15": "l",
"7-16": "l",
"7-17": "l",
"7-18": "l",
"7-19": "l",
"8-1": "l",
"8-2": "l",
"8-3": "l",
"8-4": "l",
"8-5": "l",
"8-6": "l",
"8-7": "l",
"8-8": "l",
"8-9": "l",
"8-10": "l",
"8-11": "l",
"8-12": "l",
"8-13": "l",
"8-14": "l",
"8-15": "l",
"8-16": "l",
"8-17": "l",
"8-18": "l",
"8-19": "l",
"9-1": "l",
"9-2": "l",
"9-3": "l",
"9-4": "l",
"9-5": "l",
"9-6": "l",
"9-7": "l",
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