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(body (section (hgroup (h2 "how this site") (p "some kind of colophon")) (p "all of the code for the website is hosted and deployed from tree, " (a ((href "https://git.bunk.computer/oxaliq/sorrel.dev")) "bunk computer club's git forge") "i do almost everything in the main branch, cause it's just me and that way\n i can add links below to the in-progress stuff real easy") (p "first, this website doesn't do anything to know who you are or anything.\n this website is a ~20MB binary and some static resources. it is built\n primarily with " (a ((href "https://docs.racket-lang.org/web-server/")) "racket web-server")) (p "this website serves ~46kB of javascript in the form of " (a ((href "https://htmx.org/")) "the htmx library (minified.)") " i don't love serving minified code. forking the library and removing\n features that are of no use to me is on the agenda for 2024") (p "everything here is hosted on turtle, " (a ((href "https://wiki.bunk.computer/hypha/servers")) "bunk computer club's shared application server")) (p "there's some racket scripts i use for tooling that were made with " (a ((href "https://docs.racket-lang.org/cli/")) "#lang cli")) (p (a ((href "https://git.bunk.computer/oxaliq/sorrel.dev/src/branch/main/.dev-log")) "you can read about development here")) (p (a ((href "https://git.bunk.computer/oxaliq/sorrel.dev/src/branch/main/.idea-log")) "you can read about my vague plans here")) (p (a ((href "https://git.bunk.computer/oxaliq/sorrel.dev/src/branch/main/in-progress")) "or read works in progress here")) (p "the image in the header is a crop of the work " (em "'Oxalis acetosella', Otto Wilhelm Thomé (1885)") " run through a generation tool on " (a ((href "https://www.asciiart.eu/")) "this ascii art archive"))) (footer (section (h5 "tagged") (ul ((class "tag-list")) (li ((class "tag-item")) (span ((class "hx-target")) (a ((href "/tagged/about") (hx-get "/hx/tagged/about") (hx-target "closest span.hx-target") (hx-swap "innerHTML")) "about"))))) (hr) (p ((class "doc-history")) (small "published: 2023-12-24T19:41:47")) (p ((class "license-info")) (small (a ((href "/license")) "license")))))