#!/bin/sh -e # hello variables host=deploy@turtle.hup.is # organize the files echo "ORGANIZING THE FILES NICELY" mkdir oxaliq mv dist oxaliq/. mv source oxaliq/. mv static oxaliq/. # add html cache directories echo "ADDING HTML CACHE DIRECTORIES" mkdir fragment mkdir settled mkdir unsettled mkdir tagged cp -r settled fragment/. cp -r unsettled fragment/. cp -r tagged fragment/. mv fragment oxaliq/static/. mkdir page mv settled page/. mv unsettled page/. mv tagged page/. mv page oxaliq/static/. # put them on the deployment target echo "COPYING FILES TO DEPLOYMENT TARGET" scp -r oxaliq "$host":~/ # do everything on the server that's necessary to run the new thing # TODO make this not remove the old-working version until # the new version is confirmed working echo "SETTING OWNERSHIP AND PERMISSIONS" ssh $host 'sudo chown -R oxaliqdotnet:oxaliqdotnet oxaliq/' ssh $host 'sudo chmod -R 755 oxaliq/' echo "REPLACING PREVIOUS DEPLOYMENT" ssh $host 'sudo rm -rf /srv/oxaliq || true' ssh $host 'sudo mv oxaliq /srv/.' echo "RESTARTING SERVICE" ssh $host 'sudo systemctl restart oxaliqdotnet.service' echo "SUCCESS!" exit 0