2024-03-23 16:29:35 -04:00

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'(body (section (h2 "a λ.functional λ.gay") (p "i'm a gay lil nerd who's learning everyday about community, and ecology,\n and computer; and trying hard to be good for the world with my gay lil\n friends") (p "i was named after " (a ((href "https://plants.usda.gov/home/plantProfile?symbol=OXOR")) "a plant called sorrel") " and i live in the mountains of southern appalachia on " (span ((lang "chr")) "ᏣᎳᎩ") " (tsalagi/cherokee) land") (p "i have never identified with the term 'hacker' but i have learned, in the\n past few years, that i do like to orchestrate computer machines and i do\n that with some cute friends at " (a ((href "https://bunk.computer")) "bunk computer club")) (p "some random things i believe/ i like/ i am/etc (in no particular order") (ul (li (p "i like linguistics a whole lot. " (span ((class "hx-target")) (a ((href "/tagged/conlang") (hx-get "/hx/tagged/conlang") (hx-target "closest span.hx-target") (hx-swap "innerHTML")) "i make languages (the human kind) for fun.")) " there's a whole bunch of people who do this! " (a ((href "https://conlang.org/")) "the language creation society") " i'm even working on a " (span ((class "hx-target")) (a ((href "/tagged/latl") (hx-get "/hx/tagged/latl") (hx-target "closest span.hx-target") (hx-swap "innerHTML")) "language (computer) to make languages (human)")))) (li (p "mmt, but make it anarchist " (small "-- get rid of all that \"sovereignty\" stuff, ew"))) (li (p "make everything a library and everyone a librarian")) (li (p "do things that aren't computer. compute more with regular computer ppl\n and less with tech-brained ppl. most ppl know how to compute, and don't\n need to know what is an abstract factory factory")) (li (p "got a spicy brained, trans lady-fied experience.\n i have feelings about these things that inevitably weave thru\n my projects and art and all that")) (li (p "i used to make a lot more visual art than i do these days. some\n sort of smth'll wind up here at some point")))) (footer (a ((href "https://git.bunk.computer/oxaliq/oxaliq.net/src/branch/main/source/about.scm")) "view source") (hr) (section (h5 "tagged") (ul ((class "tag-list")) (li ((class "tag-item")) (span ((class "hx-target")) (a ((href "/tagged/about") (hx-get "/hx/tagged/about") (hx-target "closest span.hx-target") (hx-swap "innerHTML")) "about"))))) (hr) (p ((class "doc-history")) (small "published: 2024-01-18T21:56:45modified: 2024-03-23T16:29:13\n")) (p ((class "license-info")) (small (a ((href "static/license/license.txt")) "license")))))