#!/bin/sh -e # use this function to wait for ENTER # and then clear the screen for new slide newslide() { printf "\n" read -r blank clear echo } append() { read -r blank echo } clear echo h1() { echo $1 | figlet -c -f slant } h2() { echo $1 | figlet -c -f small } h3() { echo $1 | toilet --gay -f mini } rainbow() { echo $1 | toilet --gay -f term } preparetopaste() { echo $1 | xsel -ib } ## HELLO SLIDE h1 "~ bunkchat" h2 "group chat in a file" newslide ## bunk.computer newslide h2 "why group chat in a file?" append echo "friends who just like hanging out and doing cool things with computers" append rainbow "meeting together on one computer" newslide h2 "on to the demo" set -x preparetopaste "cd code/rc-presentation; ./remote-present.sh" ssh oxaliq@bunk.computer 2>/dev/null || echo "hurray!" { set +x; } 2>/dev/null ## TUNNELING! ## AND WE"RE BACK append rainbow "and we're back in rc" append echo "and you may be asking" ## THE LINX newslide h2 "where is this fabulous project?" append rainbow "https://git.bunk.computer/bunk/bunkchat" append rainbow "https://git.bunk.computer/bunk/bunkdeck" newslide echo "what is tilde server?" rainbow "https://tildeverse.org/" append echo "these slides are at:" rainbow "https://git.bunk.computer/oxaliq/rc-presentation/" append echo "more computer club stuff" rainbow "https://wiki.bunk.computer" # END newslide h1 "fin" newslide exit 0