newslide() { printf "\n" read -r blank clear echo } append() { read -r blank echo } clear echo h1() { echo $1 | figlet -c -f slant } h2() { echo $1 | figlet -c -f small } h3() { echo $1 | toilet --gay -f mini } trap : 2 ## NOW WE"RE REMOTING h1 " we're on bunkchat now" append h3 incredible append echo "so like what's here?" echo "(that we could meaningfully engage with in <5 minutes?)" ## newslide h3 "the halp file" append set -x halp { set +x; } 2>/dev/null append h1 "and now" append h2 "the point of this presentation" newslide toilet -w 100 -f block --gay bunkchat | tr "_|" "~#" newslide echo "it's chat in a file" set -x proclaim { set +x; } 2>/dev/null append echo "where indeed?" append set -x heed { set +x; } 2>/dev/null append echo "okay i think i get it" append set -x scry { set +x; } 2>/dev/null append echo "one command to proclaim and another to heed?" echo "surely there's a better way!" append echo "maybe you could..." newslide h3 "multiplex?" append lynx 1>/dev/null newslide echo "but remember! some of us are new to the terminal!" append set -x bunkdeck { set +x; } 2>/dev/null h1 enough! h2 "yr 5 minutes is almost done!" append h3 "show some code!" append echo "okay" newslide echo "there's some code for writing" append less ~/code/bunkchat/proclaim newslide echo "and some code for reading" append less ~/code/bunkchat/heed newslide echo "and, of course the tmux scripting" append less ~/code/bunkdeck/bunkdeck newslide echo "the install script includes an important piece of how this all works" append less ~/code/bunchat/ append echo "that's a load-bearing `chattr +a`" newslide h2 "not for low trust servers" append h3 "we're all friends here" newslide echo "okay cute!" echo "thank you for visiting our tilde" append echo "time to abruptly close this connection" newslide exit 0