newslide() { printf "\n" read -r blank clear echo } append() { read -r blank echo } clear echo h1() { echo $1 | figlet -c -f slant } h2() { echo $1 | figlet -c -f small } h3() { echo $1 | toilet --gay -f mini } sigint() { echo } trap sigint 2 ## NOW WE"RE REMOTING h1 " we're on bunkchat now" h3 incredible append echo "so like what's here?" echo "(that we could meaningfully engage with in <5 minutes?)" ## newslide set -x halp { set +x; } 2>/dev/null append h1 "and now" append h2 "the point of this presentation" newslide toilet -w 100 -f block --gay bunkchat | tr "_|" "~#" newslide echo "it's chat in a file" set -x proclaim { set +x; } 2>/dev/null append echo "where indeed?" append set -x heed { set +x; } 2>/dev/null append echo "okay i think i get it" append set -x scry { set +x; } 2>/dev/null append echo "one command to proclaim and another to heed?" echo "surely there's a better way!" append echo "maybe you could..." newslide h3 "multiplex?" append lynx 1>/dev/null newslide echo "but remember! some of us are new to the terminal!" append set -x bunkdeck { set +x; } 2>/dev/null h1 enough! h2 "yr 5 minutes is almost done!" append h3 "go back to rc!" append echo "okay" newslide exit 0